Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Spine surgery...and the problems that arise

So I had spine surgery back in June 2009 it's been five years and for so long I was blessed with so much less pain recently out of nowhere I've been getting severe stabbing pains in my lower spine where one of my pedicle screws are I made a apt to see the surgeon and today I saw him he says in the X-rays everything looks okay which is great but I have been reading and what can happen is the screws can shift just the smallest amount and hit a nerve and they have to do a ct scan to see if that has hapend but my Surgeon only did an X-ray told me he thinks I need physical therapy and a back brace and sent me on my way now I'm thinking of getting another opinion because I am having a lot of pain and its odd to me that I didn't do anything to provoke it and something just feels wrong I'm having numbness not like tingling numbness but epidural medication numbness and the stabbing is random at most times but it is right at my right l3 pedicle screw location and when I get the pain that's stabbing it literally has me vocal and feels like I'm being kicked behind the knee and it has been so scary and on the way home go figure I started getting pain on the left side now I'm thinking what is going on am I going crazy ? The dr thinks its my muscles so why am I getting the pain in my bones I even showed him the area and for some odd reason he thinks its my muscle but honestly I've never really understood this dr got to love my insurance it took me so long to find a dr that actually took my insurance before I was able to have my surgery hell it took 3 yrs before any dr could figure out what was wrong with me go figure that one out I had been walking around for how ever long with a broken spine and I also have bulging disks in my neck and lower back its all caused by my scoliosis which is mild but the issues from it a not so much man I just wish I knew what to do I've gotten so far and now I feel like I'm back tracking beyond where I had started if anyone has gone thru this or is a dr and has any info or advice for me please let me know what I can do or whats worked for you I plan to do the therapy and wear the brace but I just feel like this is a far fetched answer to whats going on ....thanks for taking the time to read about my issues ... God bless you all ps I also wanted to add if anyone has had spine surgery have you had or heard of someone having a k wire shear off in the bone during surgery that the dr left in cuz that's what happend and he claimed to not have been able to get it out so I don't know anything about surgery and in no dr and don't know any and can't find anything about this online ...

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