Wednesday, June 12, 2013

10 years...

 this month is the month I have been with my hubby for ten years! Seems like yesterday that I went to his house for a party and never left! We have been through hardships worth a lifetime but the mountain was worth climbing to get to this beautiful view at the top we met ten years ago and it was like fate drew us together my life was spiraling out of control and he helped me put the pieces back together we have two amazing sons Brian he's 11 and graduating fifth grade  and Brayden he's 9 they grow up so fast too fast If you ask me! My life is better than I could have ever guessed it would be. My kids are growing into loving young men and the love my husband mike and I share is ever growing and it's been crazy at times and I would like to sometime soon blog about it but right now I would like to talk about the good times at least a few of them the day he met my son was the day I knew I would marry this man I was 17 he was 20 I had a young son under two and he was working as a pizza cook a year later I was very pregnant with Brayden and we were moving into our own apartment our life together was fast paced more so then most relationships but I knew this was the man I would be with forever I don't know how to explain it it was like a voice telling me this is it we got married on a hot muggy Florida day outside with family and close friends we didn't have money we actually paid for everything with the 500 dollars my grandmother gifted us and that paid for the space chairs and some food my dress was 20 dollars and someone I'm not going to name names forgot to bring batteries for the CD player so someone offered to back up their truck and open all the doors to play the wedding music yup we had somewhat of a redneck wedding but none of that matters what mattered was the bond we were making the joining of two families the celebration of the years to come we left Florida a few times and always came back until dec 2007 that's when we made the move to our now native state of maryland we had been having a tough time in fl and got an offer from an uncle for a job towing for my husband to do and let me tell you that move saved us that was the best thing we ever did I at first hated that I had to leave family and friends even tho I had family here I knew no one else and still don't but financial stability can make other aspects of life better it lightens the load of stress in so many ways I am so great full to my uncle for the opportunity to start anew without it I honestly can't say how things would have ended up for mike and I .  I have uncles and aunts and grand parents here which is nice but I still haven't been able to make friends mike and I .  We don't go out anywhere he's married to his tow truck has to stay in towing zone he's on call 24/7 and I haven't had to make friends since school so I don't know how to connect lol anyways this has gotten a bit off subject so I will end before I go on too much I'd just like to say thanks to all the people who have helped mike and I create such an awesome life together with such amazing kids ! And a big thanks to god who has yet to leave us hanging in time of need t.t.f.n. (TA TA for now) 

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