So I have stopped smoking. This is a journey I have taken before only this time it's much more important to quit. My husband will be having surgery on his thyroid they have to remove his para thyroid glands because they have tumors and your para thyroids are located on the backside of your thyroid which sits in front of your voice box in your throat.
Because he will be getting his neck worked on he must stop smoking because cigarettes cause your throat to swell and swelling is bad when you have a dr going in there and cutting around your voice box and everything else that's in there.
So in order to limit as much risk as we can he has decided to quit therefor I need to quit for this to be successful for him but not only that their are tons of reasons for me to quit like the fact that smoking is so expensive here I pay over six
Dollars a pack and I smoke a pack to a pack and a half a day times that by two and that's a heck of a lot of money a week month year too much that could be going towards my kids also smoking is unhealthy in so many ways. Here's be smoking is bad on my kids in a few different ways second hand smoke is one them seeing me smoke is another we can all teach our kids not to do things they see us do but wouldn't it be better if we didn't do those things anyway honestly be thing I can't wait for is to get my taste of food back everything tastes so dull and honestly I stink of smoke for people that don't smoke it's a nasty smell that can be detected right away one way I plan on quitting is I got lots of hard candy to occupy my mouth don't know how well it will work but why not right also walking I plan on walking after meals because I think this is the worst time for me after I eat I just want to smoke so badly plus it will help with any added weight I put on from smoking I really plan on keeping myself as busy as I can for the next few months till all my urges die down a bit now my grandmother always told me that the urge never went away for her but she said what helped was knowing that cigarettes were always going to be there and that somehow helped her . Also the story of how she quit is awesome she had went to check the mail had a coughing spell came in say at the table and prayed for god to make it stop she said she felt the hand of god touch her head and felt him ooze warmth thru her body and from then on never had she wanted another cigarette now I'm sure she would tell the story better but I think you can understand that I believe in the power of prayer so I also plan to do a lot of praying! And if anyone reading this has quit and has some advice just leave a comment for me I'm open to try anything! Well just about anything lol I have heard of some odd things people do to kick habits well I have been smoking for 15 years which makes me feel old but I was 12 when I started and to think my oldest son is 11 and I could never imagine m smoking he's too innocent and such a baby boy to me I can't fathom it and to think I had my mom buying me smokes I was so manipulative at that age even . So I can't totally blame her but that's another post altogether well I hope I have inspired someone to think about quitting just weigh the benefits and cons see whats better and go from their thanks for reading and I look forward to your comments bellow t.t.f.n.